Saturday, 18 December 2010

Christmas time,Missletoe and wine

So the average christmas card goes a little like this : To... merry christmas from ... x x x

however one christmas card i recieved this read read this:

Rem/Razzledazzle/queen of elesmera,
Ive saved your card for last because i know its gonna have the most written in. tbh i'd be really surprised if you can read this! where do i even begin with all the good times we've had?! last christmas, it was so fun going to the church with you & having peach champagne and finishing the jigsaw :') and of couse it was my epic party with ice skating and spin the bottle, and we both ended up kissing loads of people-more than once! and eachother!! and when i still liked Grainger (ewww!!) and we made up new lyrics to 7 things by miley cyrus! and how we hung out like every night after school! .MERRY CHRISTMAS. how we have all these code names for everyone so we can talk about them & they havn't got a clue! how you came round my house and we danced to all our old songs like 5,6,7,8 and the time warp! and how we both obsess about Taylor Swift and know her songs better than anyone- including miss Swift herself! and when that lady rang up about my dad's accident and you were eating nutella and i coughed and she asked why i was smiling. LMAO. and how you had that arguement on Facebook (or as you call it the bookface) with maisie- its witchwood park! i was almost tempted to vote to go to wychwood park for prom just so we could sneak off and throw eggs at her house! :L ;) if you're still reading this ( and i'd be surprised- it's probably longer than my Jane Eyre essay!) :L i would like to say i love you and the way we are so close always and we probably always will be forever, or atleast i hope so! after all what is Doctor smurf without Baby smurf ? its like Joey without Chandler ;). ahaa, i've just remembered our snow day then :L and playing on mario, and realising that i left muffin in the garden and at caitlins party when we sang love story on the wii before you supposidly punched her in the face- LMAFAO!! okay so now my are is almost literally droping off, so thank you and goodnight! ;) lots of love from icecream,Doctor smurf, P mopalop, wifey (and baby) faerie princess P, REM... the list goes on ;)

the kisses continue on the back of the card and the envelope :)
i love christmas !!

remember all your private jokes with people!

Gecky xx

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