Tuesday, 3 April 2012

C is for College

3rd day of the challenge and college is my topic today :)  so ive now been in college since september and i love it, its a lot of work but i still love it... Im now down to 3 subjects as my exams didnt go particularly well :/ so i had to drop maths (sob sob....hahaha no i hate maths) and now i have to focus more on upcoming exams in may, and also my EPQ ( extended project qualification) which im quite looking forward too :) but other than my failure i am really enjoying college, i have got a good group of friends who are so much fun and i wouldnt change them at all, however i really do need to focus more as i do want to pass all my a levels :L well its half term atm and i have already been in 3 times for revision so i think im doing quite well... psychology, sociology and biology and more biology tomorrow 10-1 oh the joy.... on the down side of college i do miss some of my friends who go to another college...but im happy with the decision i made towards the college i go to and im glad i didnt go anywhere else :) more from me and the challenge tomorrow with the letter D :)

Gecky xx


  1. Your college experience will create memories that last a lifetime. Too, it's so easy to have a blast and neglect ones studies.

    Finding the right blend of study and fun will make the experience more memorable. I am now a teacher/writer (and don't like math much either), but I understand the importance of it. Have you thought about getting a tutor there at the university?

  2. College will be the best time of your life! Enjoy, and I fully support NO MATH!

  3. Hi Gecky, I'm stopping by from the Challenge. I can feel the teacher and career counsellor in me taking over with my comment! I'm with Jeremy up there, have you thought of getting a tutor, they can make all the difference, and weirdly, maths can be important throughout your life and open up lots of opportunities for further rewarding study.
