Thursday, 30 April 2015

Z is for...ZBox

So I've just witnessed my boyfriend open his first ZBox and it was amazing! Has wosabi from big hero 6 in as a pop I gave into temptation and i ordered nexts months which the theme is  marvel, I think by the 31st of May I will have forgotten all about it XD super excited!!! 

Last letter done!! I officially completed the A to Z challenge!!!!

Gecky x


  1. J here, stopping by from the #atozchallenge - where I am part of Arlee's A to Z Ambassador Team.
    Welcome to "Z-day"! (Time to watch the iZombie television series?)
    Hope to see you at the after party. I'm looking forward to when the Reflections Linky List opens on Monday, May 4th.
    I've followed your listed social media.
    Sounds like an interesting box.
    -J @JLenniDorner

  2. I don't game and I understood none of that. LOL But I"m proud you completed your AtoZ!!!!
    ~ We made it!!! ~
    Visit me at: Life & Faith in Caneyhead
    I am Ensign B of Tremps' Troops
    with the A to Z Challenge

  3. What pray tell is a Zbox?

    AtoZchallenge- finally at the finish line!

    1. It's basically a themed box filled with surprises! And I love marvel so I figured it ever I was to try it now was best!! Also guaranteed pop vinyl figure which I love!
